Mission Method Template
What is Mission Method?
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve on another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” - 1 Peter 4:10
Mission Method is a fully customizable Notion-based template that helps you care for and develop your team, while keeping people at the center.
It’s easy to get caught up in all the things that need to be done and lose sight of the people needed to do them—we’ve developed a framework that seamlessly walks you through each stage of a team member’s journey from onboarding to operation with the potential for leadership. This includes both internal and external resources, allowing your internal leadership to have clear visibility across the team and for the team member to have clear expectations across their roles.
We want to be able to honor our teams well in the work they do, providing them with all that they need, monitoring their journey and making roles easy for anyone to step into and hone in on their skills.
Check out our fully interactive template here.
5 Focus Areas. 4 Key Values. 3 Tools. 2 Pages. 1 Method.
Our Focus Areas:
The 5 focus areas that Mission Method revolves around include Onboarding, Care, Development, Operation & Leadership. We believe that having clear, trackable metrics across these focus areas allow for there to be set expectations and guidelines for internal leadership and team members alike.
Together, we're explore questions like:
- How does someone join your team and what is needed for them to be fully onboarded?
- Who is caring for the wellbeing of your team members and how do you celebrate wins?
- Where can your team members find resources to be equipped or up-skilled in their roles?
- How does your team communicate and how do you receive and implement feedback?
- What does being a leader look like for your team? What responsibilities are attached to that title?
Our Key Values:
Our goal is that you would Connect, Cultivate, Construct, and Coach your teams. We believe that keeping these values at the center will help motivate you and your internal leadership, reminding you of the why behind everything you put out hand to.
Our Tools:
Mission Status: a detailed team roster, giving you information on a team member along with insights into every stage of their serving journey.
Mission Supply: a development resource template where you can include helpful information to your team members as they join your team and become equipped across different roles.
Mission List: a comprehensive task list, allowing you to easily evaluate weekly workload and simplify tasks for your team.
Our Pages:
Customize a central hub for your team members where they can access all relevant information with our Onboarding and Operation pages. Pages not only allows you to keep all the information in one place, but gives your team member’s the confidence they need to go into serving.
Review our Mission Method Template versions and select what works best for you:
Basic: Includes 1 license to duplicate the Notion template for general use by any team.
Pro: Includes 1 license to duplicate the Notion template, specifically built out for Production/Tech teams with technical verbiage and examples.
Teams: Includes license to duplicate the Notion template an unlimited number of times for use across all teams at your organization (both Basic and Pro versions). This version also includes an all teams page where data for all teams, org-wide, can be compiled and viewed.
With Your Purchase, You'll Receive:
- 15+ Templates with limitless views and customization options
- Examples and instructions at every step
- Video Guides
- Dedicated support
- Lifetime access
To book a 90-minute consultation to help you get started, book a time at missionmethod.gumroad.com/l/consultation
Find more info at mission-method.com
For any feedback or questions, reach out to us at hello@mission-method.com
Due to the nature of Notion templates, all purchases are final. Please review our intro video and interactive template to confirm that this template is right for you before purchasing.